20 个增强表单功能的 jQuery 插件
2012-02-16 17:12 admin 点击数:

LiveValidation 是一个轻量的表单验证库。除了传统的验证功能,还提供实时验证,可以一边输入一遍验证。Ruby on Rails 用户可能会发现这个库非常好用,因为他们的命名规则和参数十分近似。该库既有独立版本,又有一个 Prototype 版本。





Contactable is a jQuery plugin designed to make contact/feedback forms simpler and more accessible. This plugin will enable you to create a contact form on any page of a site with minimal effort.

Twitter’s running a new homepage with clean and easy design. Look at the top right of Twitter’s homepage, you’ll see the sign in button which will drop down the login form.

This screencast walks through the code that powers a fairly advanced web form. It utilizes jQuery to hide and show inputs as needed as well as power three plugins.

Magicpreview automatically updates selected elements on a page based on form fields. Perfect for previewing forms.

In this tutorial I’ll show you how easy it is to do just that — submit a contact form that sends an email, without page refresh using jQuery! (The actual email is sent with a php script that processes in the background).